Sisters. Yesterday was my sister Franca's birthday, tomorrow it's my sister Julia's birthday. Since their birthdays are only 2 days apart it's not always easy to have different ideas for each one of them. This year I made them a birthday card with the funniest photo of the three of us when we were little. I don't know why our mother let us walk around with those ugly haircuts! I look like Little Lord Fauntleroy, haha...
krapfen berliner jelly donut
Sweet Delights. At this time of the year you can find fresh "Krapfen" everywhere you go. But we decided to make our owns. They turned out a lot too small and a lot too dark. Well, for me the most important thing about a "Krapfen" is the filling. We filled them with a really good apricot jam, so they taste good enough to ignore their not so perfect appearance.
high prospects
Work. I've spent the weekend in southern Austria and came back with ideas that will hopefully entertain me and my upcoming semester. All I reveal at the moment is this photo, more about it another time!
the maccabees
Dubdidubdidubdidub. I went to hear The Maccabees tuesday night at Flex. They performed in Vienna for the first time.
Blue. Did you ever notice the "today's deals" section on Amazon? I bought my mint Stelton vacuum jug this way for about 70% off! Purchased a lot of bluish things lately... It made me think of Bundi, a small town in India that has a lot of houses painted in blue and I realized that I didn't post any pictures of the trip to India we made over one month ago. So here pictures of Bundi, matching the color theme.
less is more
All natural. I'm trying a new shampoo. It's from Less is More, an Austrian brand, that uses all organic ingredients. They have two hair salons in Vienna, but you can buy their products online. Thinking about getting my hair cut this week...
cold weather can't stop us
-20°. I've spent such a wonderful weekend. 3 days that contained skating on a frozen lake, sauna, four course dinners, snowboarding at -20°, hotel room that smelled of wood... perfect!
Freunde von Freunden - Joseph Dirand
Freunde von Freunden - Karen & Christian Boros
FVF. Love this website. Pay attention to the very special sink with its mixing tap in Joseph Dirand's kitchen.
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